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Oral Care: Tooth Extraction at Ace Dental

Dental care has evolved over the past several decades. Many of the newer dental techniques and strategies are focused on preventative care. Preventing more serious dental issues from arising by taking care steps along the way. Many dentists practice a conservative approach to dental care and look for any way possible to save the natural tooth by repairing or restoring it rather than extracting it.

However, having a tooth pulled out is sometimes the only possible solution. Almost 74% of all adults have had a tooth extracted.

The reasons for a tooth extraction may include:

Tooth Decay: If the tooth is too extensively damaged by trauma or decay and cannot be repaired at all.

Crowded Mouth: Sometimes extractions are necessary to make room in the mouth in preparation for orthodontic treatment to align the teeth. Or, if a tooth or teeth become impacted (trapped beneath the gum) due to lack of space in the mouth.

Infection: If the pulp becomes infected, and a root canal is not deemed to be a viable option to salvage the tooth. Not only is the tooth no longer functional, but extracting the tooth will also help prevent the infection from spreading to the remaining teeth.

Other Health Risks: If you are undergoing an organ transplant or chemotherapy, you are at an increased chance of tooth infections as your immune system is quite weak. In such cases, tooth extraction is preferable.

Gum Disease: If the gum tissue or bone has become infected, extraction may be an alternative to letting an affected tooth to fall out on its own.

Process of Tooth Extraction

Single and simple extractions are usually performed with a local anesthetic to freeze the area around the tooth being extracted. If you are having multiple teeth extracted, the procedure will likely be done under nitrous oxide or intravenous sedation.

Your dentist may need to cut small slits in the gum to loosen the tooth, and gently wiggle it free of the bone with use of a forcep-like device. In a few cases the tooth needs to be broken into pieces to be removed.

After the tooth is extracted, a blood clot forms in the place of the tooth. Your dentist will place a gauze pad in the tooth extracted site and will ask you to bite it down to stop the active bleeding. With the extraction of most adult teeth, a few stitches will be needed to close the opening.

Things you need to Need to Communicate Before the Extraction

Having a tooth pulled out is a commonly a very safe procedure, but it can allow bacteria to enter into the bloodstream. Let your dentist know your complete medical history and any medications or supplements that you’re on during the consultation phase prior to the extraction.

Post Extraction Care

Before you leave the office, you will be given a list of instructions to care for your mouth after the extraction. These instruction may include:

  • Take painkillers and antibiotics if prescribed.
  • Apply ice to the affected area after the extraction to prevent swelling on and off for 20 minutes each time.
  • Not brushing or rinsing your mouth for at least 24 hours.
  • The day after the extraction, rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Don’t use a straw for consuming drinks and water as it may cause bleeding.
  • Don’t smoke to allow proper blood flow to the area to aid in healing.
  • Eat soft foods that require less chewing (eg. yogurt, soup, etc.)
  • Be sure to brush and floss but avoid the extraction site.

For more information about dental extractions, call us to book an appointment at 916-772-0111. You may also pay us a visit if you are in Roseville, CA.

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