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Scaling and Root Planing

How Scaling and Root Planing are Used to Treat Gum Disease

Scaling and root planing, also known as deep cleaning, is the treatment of choice when a patient has gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. It is a non-invasive procedure that requires little anesthetic and downtime, making it ideal for busy patients. If the patient has severe gum disease or periodontitis, other treatments may be needed in addition to scaling and root planing.

Why Should I Get Treatment for Gingivitis?

gingivitis treatment in rosevilleAlthough gingivitis can be considered as mild, it can quickly progress to periodontitis, which is more serious and harder to treat. Dealing with gum disease at its early stages will make it easier to eliminate the infection and restore the natural health of the gums. It is also cheaper to get early treatment as compared to the invasive procedures used for treating periodontitis.

The Scaling and Root Planing Procedure

During your visit, you will undergo two different procedures. First is scaling, or the complete removal of infectious material on the tooth surface below the gum line. Second is root planing, or the process of smoothing out the tooth roots to make it harder for bacteria to adhere to the surface.

Before the treatment begins, the dentist will first apply a local anesthetic to the area where the procedure will be performed. This will help keep the patient comfortable throughout the course of the treatment.


During the scaling process, the dentist will use a tool to remove the calculus (tartar) and infection around the tooth and beneath the gum line. A rubber dam may be needed to ensure that the infectious material will not spread to other parts of the patient’s mouth.

Scaling can be performed using different tools. The type of tool is determined by the amount of calculus that needs to be removed as well as the current dental condition of the patient. Some dentists prefer to use old-fashioned hand tools because they are more efficient at removing tartar.

Root Planing

Once all signs of infection and tartar have been removed, the dentist will now clean the teeth and smooth out the root surface. Because the dentist cannot see directly beneath the gums, he will rely on the texture of the roots to determine whether it smooth enough or needs more work.

Afterwards, the dentist will apply an antibiotic underneath the gums to ensure that the infection is completely eradicated. You may be prescribed an antiseptic mouthrinse that you will need to use for a few weeks to aid the healing process of the gums.

Deep cleaning can be finished in a single visit if you only have gingivitis. However, for patients with periodontitis, it is necessary to clean the teeth one quadrant at a time (half of a dental arch). Because periodontitis is more serious, it takes more time to clean and a stronger anesthetic will likely be required.

At-Home Dental Care and Hygiene

Undergoing deep cleaning does not guarantee the complete eradication of gum disease. Patients are expected to practice proper dental hygiene to maintain the health of their gums.

Here are a few helpful tips to prevent gum disease and speed up your recovery after receiving treatment.

  1. Brush properly. It may seem simple, but plenty of people actually don’t know how to brush properly. Brushing should be done gently, but thoroughly. You should spend around 5 seconds per tooth. The brushing motion should be in all directions to ensure that all areas are covered.
  2. Don’t forget to floss. Around 80 percent of adults don’t floss on a regular basis, according to Flossing helps prevent gum disease because it can remove food debris in tight spaces between teeth. Debris can get stuck in the gum line if flossing isn’t done, leading to gum infections.
  3. Use antibacterial mouthwash regularly. Antibacterial mouthwash works great to wash away food bits left in the mouth. It also passes through the nooks and crannies of the teeth and gums, efficiently killing bacteria along the way.
  4. Avoid foods that can promote gum disease. Sticky and sweet foods are the primary culprits of gum disease. The sugars in these foods can stick to the teeth surface and along the gum line, attracting bacteria and wreaking havoc on the gums.
  5. Drink plenty of water. Water helps wash away food debris in the mouth which may possibly turn into tartar, and it also promotes saliva production which increases the teeth’s natural defenses.

Scaling and Root Planing Services at Ace Dental in Roseville

At Ace Dental in Roseville, our dentist Dr. Karanvir Sibia, DDS, is highly skilled in performing scaling and root planing treatment. He has plenty of experience with periodontal treatments and continues to expand his knowledge in the field.

If you would like to get periodontal treatment from Ace Dental in Roseville, just call us at (916) 772-0111 or send us a message using this web form. You can also visit us at 1070 Pleasant Grove Suite 110 Roseville, CA 95678 during our operating hours (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm). Our dental staff will help you receive proper treatment for all of your dental concerns.


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